Saturday, May 17, 2008

Managing Your Money Positively

Managing Your Money Positively
By Martin Lukac

When it comes to money, we all have our bad days.

For many of us, it comes when we pay bills and see how far that check doesn't go...... For others, it happens when we spend more than we should on stuff we don't need.

It is widely thought that if you cannot manage your life, you can't begin to manage your money. This is because the management of money takes self-control and discipline. It is similar in many ways to the formation of habits, patience and the control of our temper. Time management, goal setting and forward thinking are all required in life and money management.

One of the most important parts of money management is proper attitude. Managing your money isn't sucessful if you think of it as putting yourself in a money prison. In fact, proper management doesn't hold you back, it frees your money up for things that really matter -- such as your goals.

With the proper management, you have the freedom to do as you will. Your money no longer controls you, you control it. You don't have to worry about your debts. You don't have to worry about not paying a bill on time. You don't have to lose sleep over your situation.

You learn to make your money work.

And it does take time. It takes the formation of habits. It takes a little trial and error to see what truly works.

Instead of thinking of it as something that limits you in what you can do with your money or your time, think of it as a plan to get you where you want to go. Do you want to have more money in your pocket out of your paycheck? Then make a plan to pay off your debt. Do you want to retire comfortably? Then make a plan to start saving now.

And stick with it.

With a little work, you can change your attitude about how you spend, save and manage your money. It takes a little time, but it will save you years of worry and a lot of money.

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